
DocSendhelpssalespeoplecommunicatemoreeffectivelybyreportingbackinrealtimehowprospectsengagewithsalescollateral&proposalsafterthey're ...,Getreal-time,actionableinsightsasyoutrackyourshareddocumentswithpage-by-pageanalytics.Seewhoopened,read,orforwardedyour ...,Documenttrackingallowsyoutocollectdocument-levelanalyticstotracktopperformingpages/tabs,averagecompletionpercentage,anddocumentver...

Content Analytics & Attachment Tracking for Sales

DocSend helps salespeople communicate more effectively by reporting back in real time how prospects engage with sales collateral & proposals after they're ...

Document Tracking & Analytics | DocSend – Get real

Get real-time, actionable insights as you track your shared documents with page-by-page analytics. See who opened, read, or forwarded your ...

Drive your deal forward with document tracking and analytics

Document tracking allows you to collect document-level analytics to track top performing pages/tabs, average completion percentage, and document version ...

Document tracking services—keep deals in reach

Track documents to find the most important insights. Crack the code to closing deals with a world-class document tracker.

Six surprising things you can track with DocSend

Document-level analytics give you a real-time picture of engagement, allowing you to filter views at the virtual data room level or by individual content files.

Secure Document Sharing, eSignatures & Analytics

With our document tracking you will receive a notification each time someone views your shared links and you can track how they engage with your document in ... DocSend Contributor Program · Docsend vs. Box · Pricing · Support

Document analytics and tracking for tech sales teams

With DocSend's document analytics you will receive real time notifications when prospects view or forward along your sales deck.

Why You Should Track the Performance of Sales Content

Content plays a huge part in the sales process. But if you're not tracking its performance, you're missing out on a huge opportunity.

Securely send, track, & take action on your documents

評分 4.8 (424,618) · 免費 · 商業/生產力 Securely send, track, & take action on your documents. DocSend analytics allow you to take data-driven action at the right time with the right person.

Dropbox DocSend

評分 4.8 (424,618) · 免費 · 商業/生產力 Share and track with Dropbox DocSend · Secure Sharing. Control every aspect of your shared documents, even after you hit send. · Document and Video Analytics. DocSend · Virtual Da